Outrageous Physics in Shaolin Soccer
I. Introduction
a. Introduce movie, special effects oriented
b. Laws of physics follows our standards in normal life
c. Hypothesis
II. Action-No Reaction; unbalanced forces
a. Soccer ball drop from high in the air, tiny bounce after - ~43:00
i. Ball was high in air for an hour; the bounce should be much higher
b. Demon goalie to stop super-fast soccer ball with 1 hand ~1:25
c. Metal head to block flying head ~1:31
III. Lack of gravity
a. Signature stance; unbalanced center of gravity ~56:00
b. Third brother flying in the air
c. Running in air during games
IV. Increased acceleration/lack of deceleration in objects
a. Blowing hair after kick toward face
b. Guy pushed by soccer ball into goal ~1:06
c. Soccer ball to accelerate into fire in mid air
V. Conclusion
a. Unrealistic physics introduced for exaggerated comical effect