I. Introduction
a. The laws of physics are only bendable in the world of animation.
b. This paper will examine the incorrect physics of jumps in animation
i. May be obviously exaggerated or slightly extended
c. The jumping physics is examined in different types of movies below to demonstrate the different effects the bending of physics can bring
II. Body
a. Space Jam
i. Michael Jordan’s final jump was obviously exaggerated, allowed him to jump from the center of the basketball field to make his slam dunk
ii. Purposefully exaggerated to show that physics ARE bent in Looney world
b. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
i. Martial Artists can jump and run in air
ii. Laws are bent to become the norm, as if martial arts will bend the physics of jumping
c. Simpsons
i. Modest exaggeration of Bart Simpson’s skateboarding jump to extend time of the moment
ii. Extra-long jump will be unnoticed to the normal viewer, but the scene is able to fit in more reactions from the sidelines to emphasize the moment
III. Conclusion
a. Laws of physics are bent in the world of animation for different reasons. It can extend a moment, exaggerate an ability, or make a myth real
b. Animation and CG allows us to bend the laws of physics, which we are otherwise restricted to – we should appreciate and take advantage of this ability and let our imaginations be the limit.